Sunday, December 30, 2012

Ana's December Blog!

This month has been probably very busy for everyone. Now that Thanksgiving, Christmas, and all that cooking is done I think we can finally take a minute to relax. For myself, I think I am getting more and more anxious about starting Graduate school the closer it gets here. But, most of all I am thankful that I am alive to see this day. With everything that has happend such Sandy Hook, I am happy to have just been around to see me family during these busy Holidays that I normally took for granted. Since the November blog I have really tried to make it a point to also get to know the staff a lot better at Sullivan. At the registration before the December 28, 2012 event I found myself really enjoying my talk with Mrs. Kim (The lady who puts together all the awesome events at Sullivan). Speaking to her also made me realize that Sullivan University has probably the most dedicated staff of any university I know. So if any of you all get a chance, you should really sit and down and get to know her story.

Here is a pic of Gabby (my little sister on left) and myself on Christmas! 

You guys have an awesome New Year!!!!! Until next time.. Bye! 

-Ana Lane <3

Thursday, December 27, 2012

End of the rear review

I would like to take this time to recap or just mention just how grateful I am and how wonderful the year 2012 has been to me and my family.  I received my first degree (associates), in the process of working to finish my bachelors; considering going straight through to complete my masters as well.  I have one child in college and the other is doing well not only in school but also with her extra activities - volleyball, BETA club volunteer opportunities, friends, and always finding time to fit family in there. 

I have also been very blessed to have participated in conjunction with some other really amazing people, the opportunity of being a student ambassador at Sullivan.  Not only has it provided me with the opportunity to meet some really fun and interesting people, it has also provided me with a since of accomplishment and growth that I would like to say "thank you" to all at Sullivan University that have made it possible for me and everyone else.

Have a very Happy and prosperous new year!!! 

Tracy Dickerson

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Happy Holidays To All

At last the winter break is here....we worked hard and now we can relax and enjoy a few weeks off from school.  For me I sleep better and feel a bit more relaxed knowing that I have a break from school.  Don't get me wrong I love school and learning but this break is much needed!

I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a safe and happy holiday with their friends and family. Be warm, funny and loving this season.  Be thankful for what each of us has in our daily lives.  Take the time to enjoy and seperate yourselves from the hustle and bustle.

Stay warm and safe travels to everyone.  Happy Holidays to All.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


Friday, December 14, 2012


     Has this year flown by or what!?!??! We're already halfway through December, only a little over two weeks before a new year!!! And it's been an adventure the entire time here at Sullivan!  In the midst of my education, I have decided to tag on the Personal/Private Chef program along with my Culinary Arts and Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management.  
     My goal is to be a personal or private chef full time.  I look forward to working for private families or businesses to fulfill all of their culinary needs.   After my education is complete, I will finally be able to have a career that I love.  I have worked many years but never truly in a field that I looked forward to waking up everyday to go to.  So I am excited when I am finally at the end of my educational journey at Sullivan.  
     I will truly miss all of the people that now consider my Sullivan family, however, that's the wonderful thing about technology, they will be near me all of the time despite no longer meeting at Sullivan on a regular basis.  It's bittersweet on one end but very relieving and exciting on another because I one chapter of my life's story will end but another very inspiring one will begin.  Who knows what awaits me next year? I say, bring it on 2013 I AM READY FOR YA!!!

Alona Beasley-Jenkins

Friday, December 7, 2012

Louisville Association of Paralegals

The Institute for Legal Studies at Sullivan University presented its

on October 10, 2012

This was a very interesting event and I am so glad I was able to attend! Students also had a chance to join the Louisville Association for Paralegals for free. This is such a great networking tool. So far I have attended a social event at Havana Rumba, and their Holiday Luncheon at The Bristol. There I have met so many wonderful people, and they have been very helpful and have answered a lot of my questions.
Way to go for Sullivan University, our teachers Mr. Riggs and Ms. Gaither, and the LAP to organize these annual Round Tables.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Busy December

Good evening Sullivan Friends,
It seems the busy month of December is here!
We are ringing in the month of December with warm weather and no snow but don't be fooled as Winter can be right around the corner. 
We are nearing the completion of the Fall Quarter so stay focused for the last week of classes and then finals!  It can be rough but keep you head up you can do it!! Don't forget to pick up any books or a parking pass before break if you can you will avoid the mad rush at the beginning of the Winter Quarter!!
I hope that everyone enjoys the break and Christmas is a time for family, friends and togetherness! 
Good luck to everyone...Enjoy and Be Safe.....

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Sink or Swim

Whew! Past the halfway mark and I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. This quarter has been a haze of papers, reading and tests. It is easy for school to be overwhelming when there is a lot going on at home, too. The best we can do is try to keep up with life and not let it get us down and make us lose focus of what we want. When that happens, we start to sacrifice our goals when they are so close to our grasp. It's easy to say you will take a quarter off to regroup or let things settle. If that's your plan, remember what John Lennon said, "Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans." In other words, life isn't going to stop while you are trying to regroup, and it won't be easier to come back versus barreling through till you have that degree. It's the trials we go through that shape what we become.

Brian Strickler

All these tips on procrastination....

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving break and I am sure I am not alone in the fight to become motivated for the end of the quarter. When the week 7 ends in an break it is very hard to keep your mind and body on track for the week 8 return. With that being said there are so many messages and tips going out about procrastination.

To procrastinate is to some of us second nature. I myself seem to put everything, every single deadline I have on the back burner till the day or five am hour before. However, no matter the correct way, or the less stressful way to go about work. I find that my best work is done at that final hour. I tend to produce much better under pressure. If I have time to tear my work a part, or over analyze it, I never accomplish what I set out to do.

Now I have never have been much on keeping a schedule. I have never lived in a stress free life. I actually think I would not know what to do without stress around. I believe I would wonder what in the world was going on. So the point to this is: Yes we probably should not put things off till the very day of. But I also find most of us do. So is this also your way of handling school work? If so just make sure your end result is one of quality and not falling short of your potential due to lack of planning:)

"I put the “now” in knowledge. Well, I will put it there, probably tomorrow or tomorrow’s tomorrow.
―  Jarod Kintz

p.s. If you notice, this blog alone was the very last minute....

Veronica Shipman