It's a great time of year as the weather cools off and the leaves and schedule of sunlight changes, but it also makes it really hard to get out of bed. Now that Sullivan is an attendance taking school, there are only so many times to hit that snooze button. Now many of the teachers understand that life can get hectic and there may be times that we just can't get to class, but all we have to do is email the instructor if there is a good reason for missing class. A sick child, an unexpected work schedule, a medical or family emergency, the instructors will work with you to make sure you don't fall behind.
The further we go into the fall and winter season, the more likely that weather is going to cause some delays or even cancelling of classes, so be sure to sign up for the Dean's Alert System on your Sullivan Portal, it is under the Communications tab and the Emergency and Weather link. You can get text messages or voicemails to let you know if classes are cancelled, rather than driving to the campus.
Have a safe and happy quarter!