Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Outstanding Teachers

I was talking with one of my classmates last week when we received the schedules for next quarter and we were talking about upcoming classes. She was telling me about a teacher she had last quarter that really helped her in her math class, he took the time to explain the problems and really made sure she understood how to solve it. She is taking the next level course now and got a call from her old instructor to find out how she was doing and if he could help. That was the best endorsement for Sullivan I could imagine.
This teacher took such an interest in making sure that a student from a previous quarter was doing well in her current class that he called to check up on her. That truly sets Sullivan ahead of other schools, the teachers do care that you learn and progress. In a larger university, you can feel like just a number to the faculty.
In my time here, I have gotten to know some really great instructors that made sure I understood the lessons and would take the time to explain things, and not just tell me to read further or go see the tutoring center. I have been able to email them and talk with them after class, and it is obvious that the instructors want to make sure that the students learn.
I have heard people complain about teachers in some schools, they just want to collect a check and don't take the time to help if you are struggling. Sullivan has gone above and beyond in making sure that the instructors are invested in the success of their students. Especially in night school, the teachers wouldn't give up their evenings to teach if they didn't want to see the students learn and achieve. I encourage everyone to talk to the teachers, get to know some of them. You never know, you could end up with them as a reference on your résumé or swapping funny emails, but the instructors here at Sullivan are helpful and want to see you succeed.

Brian Strickler

Great Fall Time of Year

Isn't Fall a great time of year....does it bring back good memories? 

The weather is crispy with cool nights and warmer days with sun (chosing not to focus on the rainy days.)  The smell of woodburning fireplaces, either yours or your neighbors!  Layer clothes and a scarf maybe but we don't need a jacket just yet.  The crackling of leaves as you walk or drive.

Halloween starts Fall for me.. pumpkin picking and carving, trick or treaters, honeycrisp apples and baking one of many pumpkin pies.  Snuggling under a blanket as it is just a bit chilly in the house but not cold enough to get the heat rockin.

Remember being a kid and playing in the big leaf piles?  Did you live nearby a cider mill where you could go and get fresh apple cider and doughnuts?  Remember thinking about snow and how excited you were to think it could be coming soon?

Friends it is here and I hope everyone is experiencing good Fall memories!

Be safe, have fun and stay warm.....


Yes... it's cold outside....

While most of us do not enjoy the cold months in Kentucky, it is funny to see that during this time we do better in classes. Well at least this is what I found true for me. Being born and raised in San Diego I am anything but a friend of the cold. I find myself all over the place during the summer and wanting to be in the outdoors every day. Now that is hard to do with 16 credit hours of class going on, homework, tests, studying, writing; all things that do not say fun in the sun. I however did manage to buckle down, get through it, and walked inb graduation this fall.

Colder weather and chilly days actually has become a fixture in my school schedule. I tend to determine which classes will need the most attention and only schedule them in the fall, winter and spring quarters. This is a bit of advice I offer up to those that are a summer fanatic such as I. With this being said, do not let the grey skies and dreary cold days get you down. Look at it as a period of time to be able to focus on the goals you are working so hard to obtain. Everybody needs a little down time, what better time than now.
  Veronica L. Shipman
Beverage Management Grad
Current Hosp. Management Student

Its Halloween; what did you do for it?

Well, today's Halloween and Sullivan has had several things happen this week. We had a pumpkin carving contest and a costume contest. I'm not sure who won, but the events were fun nonetheless. What made the event memorable for me as a student was that the students, not the faculty, judged the contests and voted on which pumpkin or which costume was best.

I had an opportunity to submit a pumpkin on Monday, nothing great - just a castle with a moon background and a cut out bat on the corner but a lot of people liked it. The winner, who was anmunced yesterday, was a friend of mine who is a pastry student (I'm a business major). She did the outline of a dacshund and shaved around it. I have to admit, it was really cool and everyone had a lot of fun doing the pumpkins with other students.

Yesterday, they also had the annual costume contest. I heard there were quite a few costumes entered: everything from the 'Queen of Spades," "Robin," and "Little Red Riding Hood." I even thought I saw an oversized leprechaun in the hallways but as everyone knows - leprechauns are pretty elusive.

Overall, the past several days have been pretty exciting and fun for the faculty and students and was a great break after having mid-terms last week.

Gil Haun

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Whirlwind of an October

As I reflect on all that has happened during the past month, I am truly amazed at the whirlwind October has been.  After completing the coursework for my Pharmacy Technician's diploma last quarter, I was unsure of exactly what path to choose next.  After much discussion with my wife, we decided that I needed to continue with my educational pursuit while also seeking employment as a pharmacy tech.  I am now pursuing my Associates in Medical Office Management taking two night classes and one on-line course.  This is truly putting my ability to properly budget my time and schedule to the test in comparison to the daily schedule I had while taking day classes.  From competing with my barbershop chorus in our district contest (we came in second) to the thrill of hearing my name called and walking across the stage during the graduation ceremony and the honor of being selected to be a Sullivan student Ambassador, this has been a month of wonderful events.  Now if the phone would just ring from a call letting me know I will have a job.  Oh well, that just gives me more time for school work and preparation for the Pharmacy Technician Certification Exam.  Did I fail to mention how wonderfully supportive my wife has been throughout all of this?  I could have done none of this without her; I'm truly a lucky man.  Let me close by requesting we keep the victims of Hurricane  Sandy in our thoughts and prayers.  A brighter future is just around the corner for those who are willing to seek and find it. 

Whitney T. Nall

kamisha jones

so i entered a contest for the almost famous chef. I had not been doing great when it came to these things. i decided that if i didnt do well this time that i would just give up. So i went into the cook off with a relaxed and pulled together attitude. i was patient and collected. while everyone was having a heart attack i looked around the room and calmly recounted all the steps to make sure i didnt miss anything. I was sure another student had won so i made sure my dish was the best it could be so i could be proud of it. well the last minute of the competition came and all of a sudden things went wrong. i pulled it together and was sure i had not done well. i went over absolutely everything that went wrong from when i practiced it. well long story short i am the alternate for sullivan in the almost famous chef contest being held in napa valley. the winning dish came from a student at the lexington campus. i was shocked beacuase i didnt think i did that well. well practice and a calm head account for a lot. so i will be in the next contest i hear about. next time i'll win!
kamisha jones

Monday, October 29, 2012

The Friday Food Truck

I am taking a Friday four hour class this quarter, and the cafeteria is closed on Fridays. Luckily, some genius at Sullivan has set up a Friday Food Truck for the employees and students who come in on Fridays. I've been enjoying the varying Food Trucks a lot! So far, I have tried "Genius in a Box" and their pork chop sandwich and at "Booty's Diner" I had the cheeseburger melt. Delicious. Every Friday I am looking forward to the Food Truck, and I hope that they will continue to offer it. Watch for the email they send out every week with the Food Truck of the week and their menu.


Genius in a Box
Booty's Diner