Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Its Halloween; what did you do for it?

Well, today's Halloween and Sullivan has had several things happen this week. We had a pumpkin carving contest and a costume contest. I'm not sure who won, but the events were fun nonetheless. What made the event memorable for me as a student was that the students, not the faculty, judged the contests and voted on which pumpkin or which costume was best.

I had an opportunity to submit a pumpkin on Monday, nothing great - just a castle with a moon background and a cut out bat on the corner but a lot of people liked it. The winner, who was anmunced yesterday, was a friend of mine who is a pastry student (I'm a business major). She did the outline of a dacshund and shaved around it. I have to admit, it was really cool and everyone had a lot of fun doing the pumpkins with other students.

Yesterday, they also had the annual costume contest. I heard there were quite a few costumes entered: everything from the 'Queen of Spades," "Robin," and "Little Red Riding Hood." I even thought I saw an oversized leprechaun in the hallways but as everyone knows - leprechauns are pretty elusive.

Overall, the past several days have been pretty exciting and fun for the faculty and students and was a great break after having mid-terms last week.

Gil Haun

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