Sunday, March 31, 2013

What's your plan?

What's your plan? It's an annoying question that you get asked all the time. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years? You get asked this question in job interviews, and if you have to think about it, that's a bad sign to employers. As a Sullivan student, you've got part of the plan by getting a quality education, but what's next? Have you planned your next step?
A seldom used resource available for free is the Bureau of Labor Statistics website. It covers more than just wages and demand for a profession, there's a listing of what kind of jobs can be open to someone based on their chosen degree. It allows for options and maybe a direction that you can take in job hunting. An accounting student as a comptroller instead of a CPA, a paralegal student as a compliance officer for financial institution.
I encourage everyone to talk a look a this information, come up with a plan for the next step. More than one is better, having your degree opens so many doors that it would be a shame to not look at every possibility and take full advantage of your education. I hope this helps anyone not sure what their next step is.

Brian Strickler

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