Sunday, June 30, 2013

Last Quarter and externship are here

I am in my last quarter now and have started my externship as a paralegal at a prosecutor's office. So far, I have worked there two days, and tomorrow is my third day. It's been very exciting so far, and I have really enjoyed being there. The people I work with are amazing! They are very encouraging, and also very dedicated to making this a great experience for me. I feel welcome, and I know that I will learn a lot while I am there. This will making transitioning to a job so much easier, because of the exposure I am getting during my externship. It starts with driving and parking downtown and making my way through the different court buildings that are there. I know now where the clerk's office is, and I am making important connections with people I will have dealings with on a regular basis once I work at a law firm or any other place where I might be working once I graduate. I took criminal law last quarter at Sullivan, and now I am using my knowledge on a daily basis. It is exciting how classroom theory now turns into real life applications.
I think it is a really good thing that Sullivan makes its students do a externship project as part of the curriculum because this is valuable experience we are gaining as part of our education. Of course it is hard to fit in 15 hours of extra work on top of my school schedule with three more classes and my regular 20 hours I work every week. Right now I am working six days a week and I am not all that happy about my workload. Today is Sunday, and my weekend is already over, and I haven't done anything "fun" yet. By the time I am done with errands and grocery shopping, it will almost be time for bed. But three months from now, I will have finished my degree, and on October 12 I will get to wear my cap and gown and pick up my official papers. This will be so exciting! After all the hard work, to finally hold it in my hands. And you can be sure that I will send out cards to all the people who doubted that it could be done, and to all the people who supported me and cheered for me, and who knew that it could be done.

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