Monday, July 30, 2012

Halfway through the quarter

This quarter is killing me. I have managed to pick four classes with insane amounts of homework. I have spent literally every weekend in the past five weeks doing homework or studying for tests. And every afternoon before I go to work. I can't wait for this quarter to be over.
Next quarter I will have to take a class on Fridays from 8-12. I usually work every other Friday, so I had to have a little talk with my manager. The result is, that for the next quarter, I get to work every Saturday (right now, I only work every other Saturday, alternating with Friday). That makes a six day work-week (I know, for some students this is normal, I've been lucky enough to be able to afford this luxury of having a five day work-week). When I pointed this out, my manager said "But you are off every Monday and every Friday!". It's funny, how she thinks that I am "off" when I am not at work. Because the reality is, I sit in class from 8-12 on Mondays, and then I go home, and spent the rest of the day doing homework. The same will be true for Fridays, next quarter.
I explained to her that going to school is my REAL job. It's not a hobby, or something I do on the side. Going to school is my priority and my full-time job right now. I am lucky to be able to make it my priority, because my family supports me. School comes first, and then my current part-time job.
My point is, going to school is not always easy, and it takes a lot of time. Time that I would usually spent with my family, doing fun stuff. But it was my choice, and I am glad I decided to go back to school. Because one day, this will be over, and the harder I work now, the faster I will graduate. So I will continue taking four classes, even though it's nearly killing me, because I can see the progress I'm making with every completed class I can check off my list. And one day, there will be weekends again.


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