Friday, June 29, 2012

Usual Suspects of Failure

A new season, a new quarter of classes...right now the parking lots are packed. Every quarter I have been here, it starts that way...but it doesn't end that way. Over the next few weeks, everyone will notice those few people in class that just stopped showing up. While some may have a good reason, some will not, and that is a sad situation (almost as sad as the fact that I can hear my parents voices in my head when I say what I am about to say).

Going back to school requires a committment and discipline, but once you give yourself an out to miss a class, you are on a slippery slope to letting yourself do it again and again. I have friend has actually lost points and dropped a letter grade for not showing up to just one class session. Granted he was stuck at work and didn't have much of a chance to make it to class, but there are several who decide that it just too hard or that they aren't learning what they want. 

Pride comes before the fall...if you're worried about what the other folks in class are going to think if you ask a question, why? They may be wondering the same thing. Still embarrassed to ask? Check with the teacher after class or maybe the tutoring center. Sullivan has an advantage that some schools don't. The teachers are actually interested in helping you get an education that will carry you through your professional life. At some major universities, you are just a number and there are classes designed to make you drop out. Communicate with teachers and advisors and you will see, they all have email addresses. Don't be afraid to ask for help.

Finally, allow yourself time and space to do the work. A lot of us have family obligations and distractions around the house, but to really reach your goals, getting away from the house may be the best way. I have spent almost every Saturday morning in the library to do homework. That may not be the way for you, you may want to stay after class and take advantage of computer lab, maybe go to a coffee shop and take over a table for an hour or so (this is a college town, so the owners won't be too surprised or upset).

You have taken the first step to helping yourself, you enrolled in college. There must have been a reason and a goal in mind. Don't forget your dreams and don't let anything stand in your way. Hope to see you in class!

Brian Strickler

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