Sunday, December 30, 2012

Ana's December Blog!

This month has been probably very busy for everyone. Now that Thanksgiving, Christmas, and all that cooking is done I think we can finally take a minute to relax. For myself, I think I am getting more and more anxious about starting Graduate school the closer it gets here. But, most of all I am thankful that I am alive to see this day. With everything that has happend such Sandy Hook, I am happy to have just been around to see me family during these busy Holidays that I normally took for granted. Since the November blog I have really tried to make it a point to also get to know the staff a lot better at Sullivan. At the registration before the December 28, 2012 event I found myself really enjoying my talk with Mrs. Kim (The lady who puts together all the awesome events at Sullivan). Speaking to her also made me realize that Sullivan University has probably the most dedicated staff of any university I know. So if any of you all get a chance, you should really sit and down and get to know her story.

Here is a pic of Gabby (my little sister on left) and myself on Christmas! 

You guys have an awesome New Year!!!!! Until next time.. Bye! 

-Ana Lane <3

Thursday, December 27, 2012

End of the rear review

I would like to take this time to recap or just mention just how grateful I am and how wonderful the year 2012 has been to me and my family.  I received my first degree (associates), in the process of working to finish my bachelors; considering going straight through to complete my masters as well.  I have one child in college and the other is doing well not only in school but also with her extra activities - volleyball, BETA club volunteer opportunities, friends, and always finding time to fit family in there. 

I have also been very blessed to have participated in conjunction with some other really amazing people, the opportunity of being a student ambassador at Sullivan.  Not only has it provided me with the opportunity to meet some really fun and interesting people, it has also provided me with a since of accomplishment and growth that I would like to say "thank you" to all at Sullivan University that have made it possible for me and everyone else.

Have a very Happy and prosperous new year!!! 

Tracy Dickerson

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Happy Holidays To All

At last the winter break is here....we worked hard and now we can relax and enjoy a few weeks off from school.  For me I sleep better and feel a bit more relaxed knowing that I have a break from school.  Don't get me wrong I love school and learning but this break is much needed!

I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a safe and happy holiday with their friends and family. Be warm, funny and loving this season.  Be thankful for what each of us has in our daily lives.  Take the time to enjoy and seperate yourselves from the hustle and bustle.

Stay warm and safe travels to everyone.  Happy Holidays to All.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


Friday, December 14, 2012


     Has this year flown by or what!?!??! We're already halfway through December, only a little over two weeks before a new year!!! And it's been an adventure the entire time here at Sullivan!  In the midst of my education, I have decided to tag on the Personal/Private Chef program along with my Culinary Arts and Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management.  
     My goal is to be a personal or private chef full time.  I look forward to working for private families or businesses to fulfill all of their culinary needs.   After my education is complete, I will finally be able to have a career that I love.  I have worked many years but never truly in a field that I looked forward to waking up everyday to go to.  So I am excited when I am finally at the end of my educational journey at Sullivan.  
     I will truly miss all of the people that now consider my Sullivan family, however, that's the wonderful thing about technology, they will be near me all of the time despite no longer meeting at Sullivan on a regular basis.  It's bittersweet on one end but very relieving and exciting on another because I one chapter of my life's story will end but another very inspiring one will begin.  Who knows what awaits me next year? I say, bring it on 2013 I AM READY FOR YA!!!

Alona Beasley-Jenkins

Friday, December 7, 2012

Louisville Association of Paralegals

The Institute for Legal Studies at Sullivan University presented its

on October 10, 2012

This was a very interesting event and I am so glad I was able to attend! Students also had a chance to join the Louisville Association for Paralegals for free. This is such a great networking tool. So far I have attended a social event at Havana Rumba, and their Holiday Luncheon at The Bristol. There I have met so many wonderful people, and they have been very helpful and have answered a lot of my questions.
Way to go for Sullivan University, our teachers Mr. Riggs and Ms. Gaither, and the LAP to organize these annual Round Tables.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Busy December

Good evening Sullivan Friends,
It seems the busy month of December is here!
We are ringing in the month of December with warm weather and no snow but don't be fooled as Winter can be right around the corner. 
We are nearing the completion of the Fall Quarter so stay focused for the last week of classes and then finals!  It can be rough but keep you head up you can do it!! Don't forget to pick up any books or a parking pass before break if you can you will avoid the mad rush at the beginning of the Winter Quarter!!
I hope that everyone enjoys the break and Christmas is a time for family, friends and togetherness! 
Good luck to everyone...Enjoy and Be Safe.....

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Sink or Swim

Whew! Past the halfway mark and I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. This quarter has been a haze of papers, reading and tests. It is easy for school to be overwhelming when there is a lot going on at home, too. The best we can do is try to keep up with life and not let it get us down and make us lose focus of what we want. When that happens, we start to sacrifice our goals when they are so close to our grasp. It's easy to say you will take a quarter off to regroup or let things settle. If that's your plan, remember what John Lennon said, "Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans." In other words, life isn't going to stop while you are trying to regroup, and it won't be easier to come back versus barreling through till you have that degree. It's the trials we go through that shape what we become.

Brian Strickler

All these tips on procrastination....

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving break and I am sure I am not alone in the fight to become motivated for the end of the quarter. When the week 7 ends in an break it is very hard to keep your mind and body on track for the week 8 return. With that being said there are so many messages and tips going out about procrastination.

To procrastinate is to some of us second nature. I myself seem to put everything, every single deadline I have on the back burner till the day or five am hour before. However, no matter the correct way, or the less stressful way to go about work. I find that my best work is done at that final hour. I tend to produce much better under pressure. If I have time to tear my work a part, or over analyze it, I never accomplish what I set out to do.

Now I have never have been much on keeping a schedule. I have never lived in a stress free life. I actually think I would not know what to do without stress around. I believe I would wonder what in the world was going on. So the point to this is: Yes we probably should not put things off till the very day of. But I also find most of us do. So is this also your way of handling school work? If so just make sure your end result is one of quality and not falling short of your potential due to lack of planning:)

"I put the “now” in knowledge. Well, I will put it there, probably tomorrow or tomorrow’s tomorrow.
―  Jarod Kintz

p.s. If you notice, this blog alone was the very last minute....

Veronica Shipman

Friday, November 30, 2012

Sullivan Open House

Hello everyone!

As many of you know, there will be an open house event tomorrow here at Sullivan University. It's an opportunity for individuals who may be considering attending the University to come see what we're about and what we have to offer.

Sullivan University is a great place to be and if you're thinking of attending college for the first time, are returning to college after a hiatus, and/or are a veteran, I highly recommend coming to the open house tomorrow: there will be numerous ambassadors available to speak with you and take you around the facility as well as explain some of the programs and benefits Sullivan has to offer: you never know, you might even see me there and say hello. The open house begins at 8:15 (for the Student Ambassadors) and 9am for potential students. Hope to see you there!

On another note, the quarter has come to a close and we enter our last full week of classes before final exams. Many of us have problems with doing our schoolwork or finding a group to study with so I wanted to take a moments time as well to mention some program info I received from Sarah Nichter through the Student Mentor program: the 'Procrastination Lab' workshop and 'Preparing for Final Exams.'

Procrastination Lab

The Library is sponsoring the first ever procrastination Lab on Monday, December 3rd from 4:00-9:30pm in L01 (basement of the library). Come in to work on your final projects, assignments, and papers. A librarian will be on hand to help you with your research, APA format and other needs. Procrastinators of the school unite (on Monday)!
Preparing for Final Exams
Eating balanced meals, using caffeine in moderation, and getting plenty of sleep are important to doing well on final exams. See the attached list from the Wellness Center for these ideas and more on preparing for exams.
Meet your classmates in the Á la Carte Café on Tuesday, December 11th from 5 pm to 8 pm for Finals Study Night; enjoy free coffee and pizza while you study for finals! The Library will remain open until 11 p.m. during Finals Week.
Check in the Tutoring Center for times and dates of Exam Study Sessions for Computer Applications, Math 101, and Math 201.
Classes will meet on the Finals Week schedule beginning Tuesday, December 4th. Day school class periods are extended to 90 minutes for those classes which normally meet for 50 minutes. Be sure that you are in the right place at the right time—schedules are available in Enrollment Services and in the Student Scene.
Well, that's about it for this month, enjoy and hope to see you tomorrow.
Gil Haun

How the Time Has Flown By

After spending last Thursday-Sunday in my self-induced turkey coma from a very successful endeavor of gluttony, I realized Monday morning how quickly the end of this quarter has sneaked up on me, perhaps all of us.  How can we be at the end of week 9 already?  One more week and then, depending on one's preparation, the eagerly anticipated, or dreaded, finals week.  As we prepare ourselves for finals, while also finding ourselves in the middle of all the push to find the perfect gifts for loved ones in the malls, or online, let us remember the advice a friend once gave me years ago: "Sleep is overrated."  Success, may be painful in the short-term, but will be worth all the effort in the long run.  Good luck to all these next two weeks and in all your future pursuits.

Whitney T. Nall

Enjoyed the Thanksgiving Holiday

I have to say that I truly enjoyed my Thanksgiving holiday break, although I did not get to see everyone that I wanted, I was still surrounded by family and friends and was able to enjoy all of the wonderful food that was prepared. 

I will also be appreciative of this quarter being over.  This has been one of the most trying quarters since I've come back to school to complete my degree.  I have two classes this quarter that require me to do a lot of writing.  I have been able able to work on and enhance my writing abilities, it is still not one of my favorite things to do.  But I can say that the teachers I have are great and I have been fortunate to have been in their class.

And lastly, I'm looking forward to the new year...ONWARD AND UPWARD!!!

Tracy Dickerson

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

November Post!!


Well, first I would like to say that I hope everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving. This November has been very active for me. Between Thanksgiving and this quarter almost being finished, I would say that this has probably been the busiest November I've spent at Sullivan University.
Only a few weeks before I have completed my Bachelor's degree and start my Master's in January. This is exciting because the time has come to tie all loose ends up, and prepare for the next level.
Orientation for the graduate students is tonight and I must say I pretty excited about this! I get to meet new people, and network some.

Now, everyone needs to get ready for December and Christmas. This reminds me that there is only 4 more months until my wedding :) Still have a lot of planning to do there. This year has gone by super fast! But we will be able to get one more blog in before the new year. With that, on the next blog I will make sure to let everyone know how the orientation went. I will also update on my experience and hopefully get some pictures posted with the people I will be meeting tonight.

-Ana Lane 

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Star Chefs for March of Dimes

Chocolate Covered Strawberries with Amaretto
Being a Sullivan student, I have had a number of awesome opportunities around the community in Louisville.  In a prior post entitled Taste of Derby in May, I discussed the Taste of Derby event I got the chance to work with a number of my classmates.  Throughout that day, I was able to work and network with some celebrity chefs from around the world, including Cat Cora and a couple Top Chefs from multiple seasons!

This past week, I had yet another great experience when we were asked to volunteer our time and talents to another great cause: The March of Dimes.  This organization held a fancy fundraiser similar to the Taste of Derby.  Distinguished guests purchased (rather expensive) tickets to the event that featured an open bar as well as signature dishes from close to twenty renowned local chefs.  During the dinner event, guests were able to bid on items offered during both silent and live auctions.  All proceeds were gathered for the March of Dimes, an organization dedicated to helping start the lives of struggling babies and their families, particularly mothers.

The Main Ballroom at the Marriott Downtown in Louisville

We arrived at the Marriott Downtown and were immediately put to work.  The Main Ballroom was illuminated with gorgeous tables, chairs, chandeliers, and other decorations.  Around the centered tables in the huge ballroom, each represented restaurant had a station set up to prepare and serve their food.  The first hour or so, we were instructed to basically go around, mingle, network, and see which chefs needed help. In doing that, I was asked to join a team of chefs from Gary's on Spring Street: Head Chef Harold Baker and his Sous Chef Catherine Chabot.

I prepared and served Chef Baker's dish so that he could mingle freely with the guests who were excitedly coming to find his table after hearing about Chef's Famous Thanksgiving Shrimp.  The dish started with a zig-zag of Pumpkin Butternut Squash Puree on the plate.  We then placed two perfectly sauteed shrimp stuffed with Thanksgiving stuffing containing dried fruits.  The shrimp was then topped with crushed hazelnuts and minced chives.  It was DELISH!  We were voted the second favorite dish of the evening :)

Head Chef Harold Baker (back),
Sous Chef Catherine Chabot (left)
and myself (right)
I very much enjoyed my evening with Chef Baker and Catherine.  They were so enthusiastic and inspiring with their passion.  I learned a lot in the few short hours I was working with them.  Chef Baker and I clicked so well that he offered me a place "in his Brigade" when I am finished with my internship in a few months!  I don't think I could have smiled any bigger that night :) I left the hotel that night with a number of great memories and potential for future opportunities.

Love new and rewarding experiences!  Never be afraid or intimidated to do something you're so passionate about.  That passion is evident to others and will take you places you never thought you could go!

Hayley Charron

Friday, November 2, 2012

October Post

So this October has been extremely different from any other October I have spent at Sullivan. Most of all I am excited to be back as a Sullivan University Student Ambassador. Since the last blog post
I have been busy between finishing up my externship with Nancy Aulenbach, and attending the absolute last class for my bachelor's degree. I am so proud of the accomplishments that I have achieved in the time that I have been at Sullivan University. Due to my great memories, and my great experience I have decided to continue on with my master's degree in marketing. This was a big deal for me, but I know that it will pay off in the end. So hopefully as long as I am a student at Sullivan I can continue you on with representing the school as an ambassador.

I do have to share one other thing, on my way to apply for my master's I looked over into the Career Services office and saw the coolest costumes ever.

I thought I would share this would you all, and show you the creativity of our staff at Sullivan. It made me laugh, and made me even more excited to start the process for my brand new goal of getting my masters's in marketing by June 2014!. 

-Ana Lane 

Thursday, November 1, 2012

A La Carte Cafe!

Almost every college or university has some kind of cafeteria or restaurant for its students.  At Sullivan University, we have the A La Carte Cafe.  It is open for regular business Monday through Thursday every week during the scholarly quarters.   The Cafe's employees are mostly past or present Sullivan Culinary students.  While most college cafeterias offer dingy "school food," Sullivan is much different.  Every day, the normal items such as burgers, chicken tenders, fries, and other quick snacks are available.  The cooler is always full of bottled drinks and fresh-made sandwiches, wraps, and salads.  Pizza and other sandwiches are also available each day.  There are also a number of daily specials.

Halloween Treat :)
My personal favorite part of the A La Carte Cafe is the delicious baked goods that are offered every day.  From cookies and cupcakes to muffins and scones, there is always a variety of flavors to choose from!

Not only is the food delicious, the A La Carte Cafe employees always welcome you with a smiling face and polite demeanor.  They work hard to get you in and out of the cafe with plenty of time to enjoy your indulgences!

Stop by and check out what they have on the menu today!

Hayley Charron

Online classes

A while back I posted about signing up for my first online classes, and I wanted to share today how much I enjoy them. It has been working out perfectly for me. I only have to drive to school on two days per week instead of four (saves time and gas). I feel like I have so much extra time now to do homework. I decided to stick with the online classes for my remaining general education classes, so during the winter quarter I will again take two classes on campus, and two online. I will be on campus Monday and Wednesday only. I can only encourage people who were thinking about taking online classes to try it. Of course it takes some planning, and I still set my alarm in the morning to get up on my online days. But not at six in the morning, I give myself until 7:30.

Looking forward to once again being a Student Ambassador

I am truly looking forward to once again being a student ambassador for Sullivan University.  This past years experience has been wonderful and truly educational.  I learned about some of the other things that take place on Sullivan's campus, like weekend classes.  Since I don't have any classes on the weekend, the only time I'm on campus during the weekend is to go to the library. 

I also am learning how to re-use the library's website regarding all of the useful tools that are offered for research and writing papers.  This has been probably the most beneficial part of it all.

I've had the opportunity to meet and work with some really great people that are employed by Sullivan while participating at some of the events that we attend. 

Thank you Sullivan University for this wonderful opportunity and the great chance to spread my wings as I continue on this path of growth.

Tracy Dickerson
Sullivan Adult Ambassador


      Fall is here in all its splendor!  The trees are lovely shades of gold, burgandy and olive.  The winds are crisp and brisk and you can just smell fall in the air!! Along with fall comes with yummy treats; hearty soups, stews and chilis, warm, fresh baked breads, and delectable dessert offerings that include apples, pumpkins, sweet potatoes and cranberries.  This is one of my favorite seasons.  I'm so looking forward to experimenting with the fall flavors and creating yummy dishes for my friends and family!

      And I'm almost done with my culinary degree! It's still hard to believe! I remember when I started, it was like yesterday.  And now I've come to the end of the road and re-lacing my shoes for my Bachelor's Degree journey.  I'm enjoying the wonderful ride the entire way!!!

Alona Beasley-Jenkins

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Outstanding Teachers

I was talking with one of my classmates last week when we received the schedules for next quarter and we were talking about upcoming classes. She was telling me about a teacher she had last quarter that really helped her in her math class, he took the time to explain the problems and really made sure she understood how to solve it. She is taking the next level course now and got a call from her old instructor to find out how she was doing and if he could help. That was the best endorsement for Sullivan I could imagine.
This teacher took such an interest in making sure that a student from a previous quarter was doing well in her current class that he called to check up on her. That truly sets Sullivan ahead of other schools, the teachers do care that you learn and progress. In a larger university, you can feel like just a number to the faculty.
In my time here, I have gotten to know some really great instructors that made sure I understood the lessons and would take the time to explain things, and not just tell me to read further or go see the tutoring center. I have been able to email them and talk with them after class, and it is obvious that the instructors want to make sure that the students learn.
I have heard people complain about teachers in some schools, they just want to collect a check and don't take the time to help if you are struggling. Sullivan has gone above and beyond in making sure that the instructors are invested in the success of their students. Especially in night school, the teachers wouldn't give up their evenings to teach if they didn't want to see the students learn and achieve. I encourage everyone to talk to the teachers, get to know some of them. You never know, you could end up with them as a reference on your résumé or swapping funny emails, but the instructors here at Sullivan are helpful and want to see you succeed.

Brian Strickler

Great Fall Time of Year

Isn't Fall a great time of year....does it bring back good memories? 

The weather is crispy with cool nights and warmer days with sun (chosing not to focus on the rainy days.)  The smell of woodburning fireplaces, either yours or your neighbors!  Layer clothes and a scarf maybe but we don't need a jacket just yet.  The crackling of leaves as you walk or drive.

Halloween starts Fall for me.. pumpkin picking and carving, trick or treaters, honeycrisp apples and baking one of many pumpkin pies.  Snuggling under a blanket as it is just a bit chilly in the house but not cold enough to get the heat rockin.

Remember being a kid and playing in the big leaf piles?  Did you live nearby a cider mill where you could go and get fresh apple cider and doughnuts?  Remember thinking about snow and how excited you were to think it could be coming soon?

Friends it is here and I hope everyone is experiencing good Fall memories!

Be safe, have fun and stay warm.....


Yes... it's cold outside....

While most of us do not enjoy the cold months in Kentucky, it is funny to see that during this time we do better in classes. Well at least this is what I found true for me. Being born and raised in San Diego I am anything but a friend of the cold. I find myself all over the place during the summer and wanting to be in the outdoors every day. Now that is hard to do with 16 credit hours of class going on, homework, tests, studying, writing; all things that do not say fun in the sun. I however did manage to buckle down, get through it, and walked inb graduation this fall.

Colder weather and chilly days actually has become a fixture in my school schedule. I tend to determine which classes will need the most attention and only schedule them in the fall, winter and spring quarters. This is a bit of advice I offer up to those that are a summer fanatic such as I. With this being said, do not let the grey skies and dreary cold days get you down. Look at it as a period of time to be able to focus on the goals you are working so hard to obtain. Everybody needs a little down time, what better time than now.
  Veronica L. Shipman
Beverage Management Grad
Current Hosp. Management Student

Its Halloween; what did you do for it?

Well, today's Halloween and Sullivan has had several things happen this week. We had a pumpkin carving contest and a costume contest. I'm not sure who won, but the events were fun nonetheless. What made the event memorable for me as a student was that the students, not the faculty, judged the contests and voted on which pumpkin or which costume was best.

I had an opportunity to submit a pumpkin on Monday, nothing great - just a castle with a moon background and a cut out bat on the corner but a lot of people liked it. The winner, who was anmunced yesterday, was a friend of mine who is a pastry student (I'm a business major). She did the outline of a dacshund and shaved around it. I have to admit, it was really cool and everyone had a lot of fun doing the pumpkins with other students.

Yesterday, they also had the annual costume contest. I heard there were quite a few costumes entered: everything from the 'Queen of Spades," "Robin," and "Little Red Riding Hood." I even thought I saw an oversized leprechaun in the hallways but as everyone knows - leprechauns are pretty elusive.

Overall, the past several days have been pretty exciting and fun for the faculty and students and was a great break after having mid-terms last week.

Gil Haun

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Whirlwind of an October

As I reflect on all that has happened during the past month, I am truly amazed at the whirlwind October has been.  After completing the coursework for my Pharmacy Technician's diploma last quarter, I was unsure of exactly what path to choose next.  After much discussion with my wife, we decided that I needed to continue with my educational pursuit while also seeking employment as a pharmacy tech.  I am now pursuing my Associates in Medical Office Management taking two night classes and one on-line course.  This is truly putting my ability to properly budget my time and schedule to the test in comparison to the daily schedule I had while taking day classes.  From competing with my barbershop chorus in our district contest (we came in second) to the thrill of hearing my name called and walking across the stage during the graduation ceremony and the honor of being selected to be a Sullivan student Ambassador, this has been a month of wonderful events.  Now if the phone would just ring from a call letting me know I will have a job.  Oh well, that just gives me more time for school work and preparation for the Pharmacy Technician Certification Exam.  Did I fail to mention how wonderfully supportive my wife has been throughout all of this?  I could have done none of this without her; I'm truly a lucky man.  Let me close by requesting we keep the victims of Hurricane  Sandy in our thoughts and prayers.  A brighter future is just around the corner for those who are willing to seek and find it. 

Whitney T. Nall

kamisha jones

so i entered a contest for the almost famous chef. I had not been doing great when it came to these things. i decided that if i didnt do well this time that i would just give up. So i went into the cook off with a relaxed and pulled together attitude. i was patient and collected. while everyone was having a heart attack i looked around the room and calmly recounted all the steps to make sure i didnt miss anything. I was sure another student had won so i made sure my dish was the best it could be so i could be proud of it. well the last minute of the competition came and all of a sudden things went wrong. i pulled it together and was sure i had not done well. i went over absolutely everything that went wrong from when i practiced it. well long story short i am the alternate for sullivan in the almost famous chef contest being held in napa valley. the winning dish came from a student at the lexington campus. i was shocked beacuase i didnt think i did that well. well practice and a calm head account for a lot. so i will be in the next contest i hear about. next time i'll win!
kamisha jones

Monday, October 29, 2012

The Friday Food Truck

I am taking a Friday four hour class this quarter, and the cafeteria is closed on Fridays. Luckily, some genius at Sullivan has set up a Friday Food Truck for the employees and students who come in on Fridays. I've been enjoying the varying Food Trucks a lot! So far, I have tried "Genius in a Box" and their pork chop sandwich and at "Booty's Diner" I had the cheeseburger melt. Delicious. Every Friday I am looking forward to the Food Truck, and I hope that they will continue to offer it. Watch for the email they send out every week with the Food Truck of the week and their menu.


Genius in a Box
Booty's Diner

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Fall Into the New Season

Have you ever been on vacation and you felt as though the time it took to reach your destination was so long?  Then when you are having a blast on vacation the time flies and next thing you know you are back home getting ready for the same routine you needed the break from.  I feel as though that has been my journey leading up to this past break.  Don't get me wrong, I'm very excited to be back in school again and learn all of the great things that Sullivan can teach me but my vacation time was spent too quickly.  Now it is back to dedicating Sunday's for homework and weekdays for class.  Work is always throwing new challenges my way and so is school.  I feel as though these challenges make me a better man and have me grow as a person.  I am finished with my pity party of lost vacation time.  I am motivated to continue rolling with the punches and embrace the fall quarter with open arms and an open mind.  Bring on the fall!

Ryan (Seth) Pennington

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Fall Quarter

I'm excited to start the Fall Quarter at Sullivan tomorrow! The break has been wonderful - and much needed - and I am feeling refreshed and ready to start again.
This quarter I am taking four classes again, two on campus, and two online. This is the first time that I am enrolled in online classes, so I am a little bit nervous on how everything will work, but I am sure it will be fine once I get started.
Hopefully this quarter will be less stressful than the Summer quarter. Last quarter I had picked classes with a heavy homework load. And since I will be on campus only on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays, things should be a little easier.
But I will miss eating at the Cafeteria every day! The food there is awesome. I guess I will have to start cooking again ...
Last quarter they had some wonderful new additions, like Chicken Marsala, and Chicken with Arugula. I did miss the gyros, though.
Have a nice and successful Fall Quarter everyone, and welcome back :)


Tuesday, September 11, 2012


I hope that everyone in our Sullivan community was able to take a moment out of their busy schedule and reflect upon what happened 11 years ago.  We are all working hard to better ourselves and sometimes need to stop and look at the world around us.  Things have changed a lot since that fateful day.  Continue to pray for the families of not only the victims of 9/11, but out service men and women as well.

Wayne Yokie

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Another Quarter Done...NEXT, PLEASE!

Another Quarter Done...NEXT, PLEASE!

Another quarter winding down, summer is almost done. Makes me think about the stair step approach, gradually going deeper into a field of study and building upon previous classes. It's proven to be a great method for so many programs and really builds a solid foundation for future success.
Dr. Suess summed it up great by saying, “The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.”The education we receive here is coming from practical experience as well. I had the chance to listen to some of the stories behind the faculty at the open house and along with some of the teachers I've had in my courses and they really are a wealth of knowledge we can learn practical skills from. They don't rely on theory, they have done this and can give us a true outlook on what we can expect and guide us when where we need to be if we get lost.
In past college experience, at a freshman level, you are thrown in to classes that want to weed you out. They got your commitment of money, now they stick you in a class where you are just a number and they don't care if you pass or fail. Sullivan has employed teachers that want to tech, they want you to learn. The willpower to do so comes from you, so don't say that it's the teachers fault that you didn't do as well as you thought you should. The environment that Sullivan creates is one that creates a thirst for knowledge, a desire to be better at whatever you choose to do. One of the prospective students at the open house even commented on the feeling he got when he decided to enroll. He liked that he was excited about learning and looked forward to the challenge. That is a great thing, to want to succeed and go further. There are casualties along the way, some people burn out and want to take a break. It's easy to say that you'll come back after a quarter off, but life doesn't slow down when you want it to, you have to stick with the path for it to work for you.
There was a classmate from my first quarter at Sullivan that had plans to start his own business, he was a very gifted I.T. student with dreams of starting his own firm, but he said he was getting burned out and wanted to take a break. He's stuck at a dead end job now because he did just that. He's a technician for a local company working for someone with a degree, but not the level of skills he has. He thought a break was what he needed, but during the time he took off, he lost the "locked" tuition rate, bills still had to be paid and since he was home more, they got bigger. He's still stuck at his job thinking it's a dead end, and when I asked him if he regrets taking a break, he said it was the worst thing to do, he'd lost his steam to push through and achieve his goals.
I still talk to him from time to time and have lunch every now and then, but he tells me all the time that "he never should have paused with school, because life kept playing and moved to a sad song."
So if you feel you're losing steam and just want a break, look at where you are in life and where you want to be. It's not easy, but the people who stick with their education come out ahead much so? A recent government study showed that annual salaries for college graduates is double what a high school degree will earn. An advanced degree...try tripling what you make now, and see if that doesn't put some wind back in your sails.

Brian Strickler

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Can You Believe That it's September Already???

Wow! It's The 1st of September!!! I know I sound like a broken record but time has flown by!!! We're quickly approaching our last week of the quarter and then we'll be on a 2 week break.  If you guys have been as busy as I have, it's a well welcomed break as well!

Yesterday afternoon I met with the head banquet chef at The Brown Hotel to briefly discuss my internship! It was exciting and a bit frightening at the same time.  Their kitchen is huge! It supports both restaurants and their banquet foods as well.  It's very fast paced and buzzing.  I'm welcoming the challenge because I've come so far to turn back now but it's almost surreal. Wow, I am finished with my Culinary Arts degree! I've completed all my classes and requirements and now I'm at that final stage...the internship.  And then I can solely focus on my Bachelor's degree in Hospitality Management.

For anyone who is unsure if you can do what you signed up for don't worry...You can! But it will take lots of hard work and dedication.  But the end result is well worth it! I will be walking down that aisle next April getting that well deserved college degree!! Not only will it make me proud but my children will see that all of their hard work will pay off as well...just look at their momma!!!

Alona Beasley-Jenkins

Friday, August 31, 2012

Finals week is already upon us!!

I'm really having trouble understanding how the time flew by so fast these past few months. It's ALREADY finals week! This quarter has gone by soooo quickly. I suppose the lesson is time and hard work pays off in the end. It's amazing to see the progress I've made along with my fellow students. I'm sad to say I only have one quarter left at Sullivan University before my Pharmacy Technician certification test. But I am happy to say I will be returning to Sullivan to enter their Pharm.D program in just a few short years. I'm very happy I chose Sullivan over the endless options of other schools. I've learned absolutely invaluable information from my teachers and from the Pharmacy Technician program. I've made lifelong friends among our students. If I could change one thing about my whole experience, it would be that I wish I would've done this sooner! Regardless, I don't regret anything I've done in my life one bit. Every part of life truly has been and will remain a learning experience. I have to thank Sullivan University for having such an impact on my life and future success. Every second has been worth it's weight in gold. Thank you, Sullivan University. You will be with me for the rest of my life.

Tim Conneely    

Supreme Court Class Trip

The Paralegal students went on a trip to hear the Kentucky Supreme Court in session in Frankfort this quarter.
We learned a lot, heard two interesting cases, had a tour of the Capitol building, and then had lunch with our teacher, Mr. Riggs.
I was a little bit sad because I had to miss the Canoe trip that was on the same day. But all in all I am so glad that I was able to go and that I could take off work.
Hopefully they will offer this trip again, because I  would not mind seeing more cases. Thanks to Sullivan, our teachers, and the  Sullivan's Paralegal Club for planning this trip.

Here are some pictures:
 Capitol Building
 Supreme Court Chambers
 Inside the Capitol Building
View of the dome (it changes colors!)


     My first quarter with Sullivan is coming to a close and the time really flew by.  I have finals on Tuesday and I feel pretty prepared for them.  If there is one skill I have learned to do better than ever is time management.  I know I blogged about this earlier but I do have a full-time job, I'm a full-time father, as well as a student.  Thankfully I have pulled myself together and feel confident about my grades this quarter.  I can see the light at the end of the tunnel and it is a big neon sign saying "Fall Break Sept. 10-23!"  This break couldn't come at a better time and that is what I love about being a student here.
     With regular school starting business has been a little slower but when we are back from fall break it will be the start of "Restaurant Season."  The holidays and cold weather bring the guests flocking in to have a nice meal so I know that this coming term I will need to be on my A-Game.  I know that I will also (hopefully) have my A-Game grades reflect my hard work this quarter.  I wish good luck to all this coming week and hope that the holiday weekend treats you well!

Ryan (Seth) Pennington

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Final Practicum

Finals! So its that time of the quarter when the kitchens are buzzing! Culinary and Baking students are hard at work perfecting their dishes for their final practical. I am currently in International and my country that i have to recreate is Brazil. I chose to do a seafood stew and quinoa salad. for my entree i am placing a savory crepe bundle filled with a shredded chicken stuffing on top of a nest of multi colored green peppers and served with a delicious tomatoe sauce. My Dessert is by far my favorite part of this 4 course meal. I chose to roll a chocolate truffle in Brazilian nuts and serve it with a traditional shortbread cookie and cup of fresh coffee. Im sure it will be an A dish that i will serve at home as well. I really love this simple yet flavorful dish, and i plan to add it to my personal recipe book!
Kamisha Jones

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Winston's Restaurant

Sullivan University is home to a great fine dining restaurant, Winston's.  Led by Executive Chef John Castro, this establishment is mainly staffed with Sullivan University students and graduates.  For many culinary students, Winston's serves as a great internship experience, the last stop before graduation.  With an extraordinary menu, including incredible full-bar service, and value guest appreciation, there is only one catch: Winston's Restaurant has limited hours of business. Friday and Saturday, they are open for lunch (11am-2pm) and dinner (5:30pm-10pm). On Sundays, they serve an exquisite brunch from 10am to 2pm.

deliciously sculpted chocolate desserts
One of the most signature dishes presented at Winston's Restaurant is inspired by Louisville's famous Hot Brown.  This well-known open-faced sandwich is comprised of toasted bread, roasted turkey, Roma tomatoes, freshly made Mornay sauce, and Pecorino Romano cheese.  The tower of ingredients is then broiled to perfection then topped with crispy bacon.  Chef Castro's spin on a Hot Brown, a "Not Brown," is a little different.  Honoring the original infamous Louisville dish, a "Not Brown" (pictured below) is also an open-faced sandwich topped with Mornay sauce, cheese and bacon.  Instead of bread, however, Chef Castro uses fried green tomatoes.  He also substitutes rock shrimp and crab for the roasted turkey.  The "Not Brown" is elegantly displayed in the bowl and garnished with spinach.

If you have not been to Winston's, please come in for a visit.  The restaurant is located on the left side of Sullivan University's main campus building.  The food and drinks are delicious, the environment is intimate, and the service is respectful.  Even the prices are reasonable!  What more could you ask for?

Here is a link to the Winston's website: feel free to enjoy!

Hayley Charron

Graduation is literally right around the corner!

Wow! Is it that time already!?!?! It's amazing how quickly two and a half years have flown by!! I remember when I first went on the tours and spoke with my financial advisor and set up all my classes in the month of June, 2010 and now it's August 2012 and I'm upon my last quarter of my degree! The next quarter will entail my internship and continuing my bachelor's degree. 

Not only am I proud of myself for accomplishing a very big goal in my life but I'm also proud of all my Sullivan family that I've also known and grown to love over these past few years.  I'm very happy and proud to say that I will soon be a graduate of Sullivan University!

Alona Beasley-Jenkins

Monday, August 13, 2012


I can't believe how fast this quarter is going.  This  quarter is the first time that I ever took an online class and I have to say originally I wasn't all the happy with the doing it.  I'm a people person and I interact or can get really good feedback from my classmates while in class, by taking an online class I feel disconnected from everyone.  But I have to admit as the quarter has gone on and the fact that I have an instructor that I respect and value their opinion has been a tremendous help.

I have to say that since I've been back in school I have had to learn how to step outside of my comfort zone and adjust to things that I normally would either avoid or not want to deal with at all. 

Thank you Sullivan for offering myself, and the rest of the student body an opportunity to truly expand our wings no matter the circumstances.

Tracy Dickerson

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Highs, Lows, and Time Management

     After a long work night at my current job I like to go over my highs and lows of the day.  Working in the restaurant field can be discouraging as well as rewarding.  One low part of my day Tuesday was doing inventory.  It takes hours to complete and I try to stay hidden so that it is hard for the servers to interrupt me while doing this daunting chore.  When it was finally complete I thought to myself how lucky I am to have a great job and now I am getting a great education at Sullivan.
     I started in the summer quarter and I appreciate how great it is that this university is so flexible with dates to begin/continue an education.  Most schools only have 2 semesters per year and even then weekend classes aren't typically offered.  Being a father of a 2 year old and a full time assistant manager at one of the best high end restaurants in town takes up a large chunk of my life (half of the time I'm not sure how I find time in my day to eat or sleep).  Sullivan has worked with me on class scheduling and guidance to steer me towards better time management for my career and education.  I was nervous when I started looking for a university to continue my education.  I didn't want to sacrifice moments with my daughter or being present at my job.  Now I feel confident that everything will work out and I am excited to see if I'll feel the same way at the end of the quarter.

-Ryan (Seth) Pennington

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Day or night?

After having both night and day classes, I can honestly say that they both have their advantages.  Culinary labs during the week allow, in my opinion, an opportunity to do more cooking.   The benefit of the weekend classes though, is that since some dishes take longer to make can be produced due to less of a time constraint.  It all boils down to what your schedule is.  I enjoy them both, and whether deciding to attend day vs. night classes, you cannot go wrong no matter what the decision is.  Keep up the good work Sullivan students, and enjoy the rest of the quarter.
Wayne Yokie

It's All About Experience and Learning!

Being in the culinary program at Sullivan University has enabled me to do quite a few things I never thought I would.  I have made all kinds of foods from about two dozen cuisines, carved ice sculptures with a chain saw, and worked with chefs from around the world.  Those experiences and many more have all been possible through hard work and determination. Many days are a challenge but it is all worth it.

Common challenges that occur multiple times throughout each quarter of culinary labs practical exams.  These "practicals" may range from ingredient identifications to knife cuts to multi-course meals.  One of the accomplishments I have been most proud of was my first design and demonstration of a seven course meal.  It was the final practical exam during my Garde Manger course.  In Garde Manger, I began to expand my ingredient knowledge, flavor profile, and pairing combinations.  It was also during this course that I put real thought into creative plate presentation.  The following is a description of my seven-course :

The first course (top left) was a Salmon Lomi Lomi Canape with Grilled Endive.  The lomi lomi had fresh salmon cured in a combination of soy sauce, teriyaki sauce, scallions, red onions, tomato, red pepper flakes, and Hawaiian sea salt.  That mixture was served over a toasted crostini and delicious soy, red pepper compound butter and topped with grill endive.  Next up was the Chicken and Mushroom Consomme (bottom right).  Course three (top right) was a Chicken and Spinach Ravioli with a Garlic Beurre Blanc.  I made the pasta dough, stuffing, and sauce from scratch.  As a light refresher between heavier courses, next was a Lemon Basil Sorbet (bottom left).  It was a perfect, smooth basil flavor blended with a cool lemon zest. One of my favorite creations!

After the intermezzo came the entree (left).  It was a seared tenderloin stuffed with blue cheese and cardamom pancetta with a red wine reduction.  The tenderloin was served over a bacon sage potato platke and roasted baby carrots.  A light Poached Pear Salad (top right) with habanero lime vinaigrette followed the entree.  The salad was red wine poached pears over Bibb lettuce topped with goat cheese and sauteed fennel and bean sprouts.  Lastly, dessert was a Berry Zabaglione (bottom right).  This dish was a lot of fun to create. Zabaglione is a quick custard served over berries; I used strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, and blueberries.  The fun part was rimming the glass with chocolate ganache and toasted pistachios and making the fragile and edible orange touille spoons.

I received an outstanding grade on this practical exam. The criticism I received from the judging chefs was all very constructive. Each day that I continue to come to class, I feel as though my potential grows. Those things that I "never thought I would" have now become potential elements of my future. It is all just a matter of time before everything falls into place. 

Hayley Charron
Culinary Arts and Hospitality Management

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

An Amazing July!


As many of you know Mid-Terms often mark the half way point in the quarter. For me, it means that I am one step closer to completing my degree and dream. Since my last post, I had the chance to speak and network at the 55,000 Degrees event held at Sullivan University. This was hands down the most educating meeting I have been to. I think this is something as a community we should all get behind, so with that being said everyone go check it out! See how you can help be the change this community needs. I am so honored to have had that opportunity, and I can only hope to be part of this movement.

-Ana Lane

Light at the End

   Midterms are finished...phew!! Everyone is looking at their Sullivan webpage to see if they got an "S" or a "U". If you got the latter, don't let it discourage you, there is plenty of time to make it back on top.
   There's 6 more weeks to go and this is usually when I notice the stress levels rise as the major projects begin. Papers and presentations kick off and the library gets busy, study groups form and tempers can flare. If you see this starting in your class, don't let it distract you from anything. You are here to make your life better, why let anything get in the way of that?
   It's easy to give up and say you just don't get it, but you'll never know what you can accomplish if you aren't willing to push through the barriers. If you fail, there is another quarter coming up and you can try again. If people gave up after every time they failed at something, where would the world be? Are you going to let something stand in the way of you accomplishing what you set out to do? Push through and reap the rewards. Wayne Gretzky said it best, "You will miss 100% of the shots you don't take".

Brian Strickler

Monday, July 30, 2012

Halfway through the quarter

This quarter is killing me. I have managed to pick four classes with insane amounts of homework. I have spent literally every weekend in the past five weeks doing homework or studying for tests. And every afternoon before I go to work. I can't wait for this quarter to be over.
Next quarter I will have to take a class on Fridays from 8-12. I usually work every other Friday, so I had to have a little talk with my manager. The result is, that for the next quarter, I get to work every Saturday (right now, I only work every other Saturday, alternating with Friday). That makes a six day work-week (I know, for some students this is normal, I've been lucky enough to be able to afford this luxury of having a five day work-week). When I pointed this out, my manager said "But you are off every Monday and every Friday!". It's funny, how she thinks that I am "off" when I am not at work. Because the reality is, I sit in class from 8-12 on Mondays, and then I go home, and spent the rest of the day doing homework. The same will be true for Fridays, next quarter.
I explained to her that going to school is my REAL job. It's not a hobby, or something I do on the side. Going to school is my priority and my full-time job right now. I am lucky to be able to make it my priority, because my family supports me. School comes first, and then my current part-time job.
My point is, going to school is not always easy, and it takes a lot of time. Time that I would usually spent with my family, doing fun stuff. But it was my choice, and I am glad I decided to go back to school. Because one day, this will be over, and the harder I work now, the faster I will graduate. So I will continue taking four classes, even though it's nearly killing me, because I can see the progress I'm making with every completed class I can check off my list. And one day, there will be weekends again.


Sunday, July 29, 2012

The Bakery at Sullivan University

I am quickly falling in love with The Bakery across the street from Sullivan University's main campus in Louisville.  Without a doubt, each time I stop in, I'm very impressed.  I especially appreciate the fact that I can take a seat and enjoy a short break while I snack on an excellent edible creation all the while observing the pastry students preparing and perfecting baked goods and pastries in the next room from behind a large glass picture window.  I took this quote from The Bakery's website at and it reads: "The Bakery produces a wonderful variety of specialty baked goods, pastries, cookies and candies."  While this is a great description, you really have to stop in and see it for yourself.  The blueberry danish is my favorite sweet pastry so far, but I've only just begun my journey of tasting all the tempting treats The Bakery has to offer.  The strawberry parfait with homemade granola is a perfect snack if you're on the go between classes.  It really hits the spot!  Yogurt paired with fresh fruit is always a healthy option, in my opinion.  I've yet to try any of the fresh baked breads they offer, but those are up next on my list.  The breads are so reasonably priced that there is absolutely no reason for anyone to buy breads from anywhere else.  Also, just about every item The Bakery has to offer is carefully organized and beautifully displayed within their deli cases.  I almost forgot to mention that ALL the baked goods The Bakery has for sale are prepared fresh and in house!!  And the fact that they can build your dream wedding cake is truly a dream come true!  I'm so relieved knowing that I'll have one less thing to worry about on special day because I trust The Bakery will carefully create my flawless and one of a kind dream wedding cake.  But even after reading all this, don't take my word for it, head on over and see The Bakery for yourself.  I'm confident you'll be pleasantly surprised.  Believe me, you'll wish you had stumbled upon this little gem sooner.  And as you bare witness, just as I have, you'll understand that their baking and pastry items are more than just everyday consumables, they are true culinary works of art The Bakery has skillfully mastered!!  I honestly believe The Bakery has discovered the perfect blend, balance, and combination of art, flavor, food, and science.  Anyway, do yourself a favor, go and enjoy!! You can thank me later. ;)

Tim Conneely

Monday - Friday:

Here's a list of items The Bakery offers on their menu:
apple, peach, cherry, cinnamon, cheese, chocolate
Savory Danish
blueberry, cherry/cream cheese, banana nut, raisin bran, apple cinnamon
plain, chocolate, almond
apple, cherry
orange/cranberry, cinnamon/raisin
Coffee Cake
Fruit Strudel
apple, raisin & pecan



Marble Rye

Garlic Potato

French Baguette




Challah (Friday & Holiday only)

Spinach Feta

Sun Dried Tomato Herb


Cheddar Onion Brioche

Cinnamon Swirl

Onion Walnut
Russian Braided Breads


Kings Crown
shortbread cookie, w/raspberry, hazelnut mousse, almonds, dipped in chocolate
Bourbon Ball
cake crumbs, graham cracker crumbs, ganache, bourbon (Maker’s Mark ©)
Chocolate Caramel
caramel and crisped rice, covered in milk or dark chocolate
pecans and caramel, covered in milk or dark chocolate
flavored ganache enrobed in dark, milk or white chocolate
Chocolate Cherry
marzipan, cherry macerated in rum, dark chocolate
Mousse Cups
dark chocolate cup filled with chocolate mascarpone mousse
Peanut Butter Cup
peanut butter, Italian buttercream, and peanuts in dark chocolate cup


sugar cookie w/ lavender
Mexican Wedding
butter cookie w/ pecans, covered in powdered sugar
Chocolate Turtle
chocolate base topped w/pecans, caramel, chocolate
honey, cream, butter, almonds, cherries, orange peel, dipped in dark chocolate
Almond Horn
marzipan, almonds, edged in dark chocolate
sour cream pastry filled with raspberry or apricot
chocolate or almond


phyllo layered w/ walnuts, cinnamon, sugar, honey syrup
Orange Sole
caramelized puff pastry filled w/ orange buttercream
chocolate / pecan, frosted w/ ganache topped w/ pecans
Turtle Brownie
brownie w/ addition of pecans, choc chips and caramel
pate a choux shell filled w/ pastry cream, dipped in chocolate
Mini Cheesecake
vanilla cheesecake on graham cracker crust, raspberry center
alternating layers of hazelnut meringue and mocha buttercream
Chocolate Orange Square
chocolate cake macerated w/ Grand Marnier©, filled with orange buttercream, ganache
Petit Four
vanilla cake enrobed w /fondant decorated with rosebud or monogram
mascarpone cheese, cinnamon, diced candied orange, choc chips
Lemon Cream
vanilla cake, lemon buttercream, lemon fondant, toasted almonds
(raspberry or mocha) sponge cake w/buttercream
Banana Pudding
alternating layers of whipped/pastry cream, wafers and bananas
Commonwealth Tart
chocolate chip and pecan filling
Crème Brulee
vanilla or chocolate custard – torched to order

Cakes (8")
Please call for special occasion cakes - prices vary according to flavor & decoration.
Mousse (7")
alternating layers of chocolate cake and chocolate mousse covered in chocolate shavings
Italian Cream
foam cake w/ pecans and coconut, frosted w/ cream cheese
Black Forest
chocolate cake w/ cherry filling, whipped cream frosting, garnished w/ cherries
w/ raisins and walnuts, cream cheese frosting
Linzer Torte
hazelnut crust w/ raspberry filling
(plain, raspberry or turtle) vanilla flavored cheesecake w/ short paste crust
Single Layer Sheets
quarter sheet - $25 half sheet - $45 full sheet - $80

Friday, July 27, 2012

Moving on to the next phase of life...

Good morning Sullivan students, I'm sorry you haven't heard from me in a while, I have been a tad bit preoccupied trying to get my oldest child ready for his first year at college.  He will not be attending Sullivan University with me, I think that was just a little too close to home (if you know what I mean).  Anyway, he leaves on August 6th for football camp and I'm not sure when he will be back home. 

This is not only and exciting time for him but for me as well, I just find it hard to believe that he's going away to begin his life, I'm happy and proud as well as very anxious for him to begin this new and exciting journey of his life. 

No one ever told me it would be like this, overwhelming feelings for joy, I feel very fortunate to have such wonderful children and I'm looking forward to his next chapter of my life as well. 

Thank you Sullivan for being a part of my journey also, it has help make me who I am today and I am truly grateful.